Komatsu WA250PT - Wheel Loaders - Construction Equipment - Volvo CE EMEA Used Equipment
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Komatsu WA250PT

Price: 33,430 USD
Basic information
ManufacturerKomatsu WA250PT
ProductsWheel loader
Hours6,500 h
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Price Excluding Tax33,430 USD= 375,000 NOK
ProductsWheel Loaders
Additional informationHel og fin maskin selges nysertifsert og i orden.
Maskinen er altså klar til å kunne gå rett i arbeid.

Maskinen kan besiktiges og prøvekjøres ved vårt anlegg i Porsgrunn, Nordre Fokserød 17, 3239 Sandefjord.
Vi ordner transport, og vi tar innbytte.

Maskinen er utstyrt med:
-3 funksjon
-Elektrisk hyttevarmer

The machine is in very good condition, and has just been certified.
Its equipped with quick coupler, lubrication, 3rd hydraulic function, DAB, led lights etc.
The machine can be seen and tested in our yard in Sandefjord, and we can deliver to Brevik Port if needed.

Device: WA250#60288
Søkeord: WA 250, WA250
Equipment displayed may not be available for Import/Export into all markets. Please check with your local authorized Volvo dealer.
Contact seller
Volvo Maskin AS
Nils Kristian Hjelmtvedt
Fokserødvn. 29
3241 Sandefjord

+47 909 47 157
Øystein Rosenlund
+47 95303509
+47 95303509
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